Category Archives: National Review

Trump Copies a Good Idea from Reagan

A government-efficiency commission led by the private sector would be a welcome departure from the Biden years of profligacy.

America Is Losing

Joe Biden has presided over the deterioration of the American strategic position across the globe.

California’s Environmental Policies Are Backfiring

The Golden State must work to correct previous government blunders by revitalizing nuclear power and expanding proactive forest management.

Kathy Hochul’s Chinese Connection

Americans need to wake up to the subversion campaign from our communist adversary.

School Choice Is Not a Secret Plot to Promote ‘Christian Nationalism’

Complete educational freedom would make it impossible for any single ideological faction to take over. The same cannot be said about the public-school system.

Republicans’ Chances of Taking the Senate Are Looking Great

Even if Harris sweeps the swing states and wins the White House, a whole lot would have to go wrong for the GOP to remain in the Senate minority.

The Beautiful Presidency

Trump promises to provide the most aesthetically pleasing administration you’ve ever seen.

Sculptor Daniel Giordano: Part Wizard, Part Storyteller, All Artist

The Newburgh, N.Y., artist is unclassifiable, in a good way.

Our Price-Controlled Economy

The latest proposals by Harris to manage inflation through price controls on drugs, rents, and food are piling on to our already price-controlled economy.