NCAA releases details of proposed $2.78 billion settlement with former athletes

The NCAA and its power-five conferences have laid out a plan to pay former athletes $2.78 billion over the next 10 years after an antitrust lawsuit settlement.

Giffords group to spend $15 million to support Harris and anti-gun candidates

The gun control group GIFFORDS has pledged to spend $15 million in swing states to support presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris and other anti-gun candidates.

Why’d A Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Just Kill Their Country’s Top “Linguistic Nationalist”?

Why’d A Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Just Kill Their Country’s Top “Linguistic Nationalist”?

Authored by Andrew Korybko via substack,

A Neo-Nazi with the nom de guerre “Ukrainian Autonomous Revolutionary Racist” (UARR) claimed credit for assassinat…

Reddit user shocked at wedding actions of bride and groom: ‘They are out of their minds’

A Reddit user was shocked to learn that she was expected to work at her cousin’s wedding and that the couple planned on mailing out cards to people who were not invited.

Olympics Opening Ceremony Features Dancing Drag Queens And Bizarre Symbology

Olympics Opening Ceremony Features Dancing Drag Queens And Bizarre Symbology

Sports spectacles like the Olympics, the Super Bowl, the Commonwealth Games and a host of other events have become increasingly political in their messaging and t…

Nebraska fisherman reels in new fish species in state: ‘Bright orange with turquoise’

An angler caught a newly recognized species that has never been documented before in Nebraska: a longear sunfish, which is known for its turquoise markings.

“CopenPay” – Europe’s First Climate-Centric Social Credit Scheme

“CopenPay” – Europe’s First Climate-Centric Social Credit Scheme

Authored by Kit Knightly via,

The world’s first climate-related social rewards scheme came into being two weeks ago, when the city of Copenhagen officially …

Old-Timers Make Big Bucks in July’s Art News

The ‘Bus Stop’ Titian, Dolley Madison, and a tribute to Bill Viola.

A Nation Torn Apart

Chigozie Obioma paints a portrait of war-torn Nigeria so vivid that it belies its status as a work of fiction.

How Alvin Bragg’s Case Helped Torpedo Anti-Trump Lawfare

The unexpected spotlight on the Manhattan case had the effect of discrediting the entire enterprise in the public mind.